Western Screech Owl Recovers From Trauma

Western Screech Owl in carrierThe following story was shared with us by Buz Marthaler at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah.

An adult Western screech owl was brought into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah (WRCNU) in the middle of January in an emaciated condition at 115 grams (about 4 ounces). It was determined to be female, and she displayed signs of head trauma.

She was administered anti-inflammatories for trauma and lactated ringers for hydration. For the first three days she was started on a diet of EmerAid Intensive Care Carnivore and, due to her improved condition, was quickly weaned over to whole, small mice.

Western Screech Owl in carrierWestern Screech Owl in carrierThe next month showed a gradual weight increase until she reached 146 grams (about 5 ounces). She was moved outside for acclimation and preparation for release when the weather would permit. She was finally released mid-March after having proven she was ready to be on her own again.