EmerAid Helps Save Justice The Dog

dog lying on dog bed on chair dog in sweater sitting on asphaltThis story was shared by Melissa Kauffman, executive editor of Dogster magazine.

My dog Justice mysteriously practically went into liver failure about two weeks ago and had to spend five days in the veterinary emergency care hospital. When he came out, it was very difficult to get him to eat and he didn’t want to take his pills.

I had a bag of EmerAid on hand as Justice has had issues with eating in the past (they believe it could be chronic pancreatitis). I just put the powder and water in a mixing bowl and made it into a paste, chilled it, and then rolled it into little balls. We put his pills into the balls as he wouldn’t use any of the pill-hiding products. He ate it every single time while he was refusing other things. It was a lifesaver.

My husband and I are so grateful — I’m always going to keep this on hand.