Southern Flying Squirrel Prevails Over Poison

Southern flying squirrel being syringe-fedThe following story about a Southern flying squirrel was shared with us by Wildlife In Need Center in Wisconsin.

An adult, female Southern flying squirrel was intentionally poisoned by a homeowner who did not want her family on his property. She was brought to Wildlife In Need Center. Her condition was critical on admission.

She was hand-fed every four hours for her first few days in care. She weighed 62 grams (about 2.3 ounces) on admission and refused all food, with the exception of peanut butter (which is what the rescuer used to trap her).

We added a bit to EmerAid IC Omnivore food, which she took readily!

Southern flying squirrel sitting on towel in enclosureAfter further supportive care over time at the center, she was released back into the wild weighing 104 grams (about 3.7 ounces).