Osprey Found Unresponsive

osprey held in towel by staff at Florida Keys Wild Bird CenterThe following story about an osprey was shared with us by Florida Keys Wild Bird Center in Florida.

This adult osprey arrived at the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center on April 20, 2023, due to a suspected collision. She was found on a dock in Key Largo, Florida, not really moving or responding.

During our intake exam, we found that she had no pupillary light response, a head tick, and was emaciated. Her feather quality was also poor. Her intake weight was 1 kilogram (about 2.2 pounds). We started her on EmerAid IC Piscivore at 3 percent of her body weight and increased it gradually to 5 percent body weight.

After three days on EmerAid, she was stable enough to start taking fish smoothies. She then graduated to whole fish. We moved her outside into our large flight cage so she could recondition her flight muscles.

After a few weeks she was flying great, and we released her back where she was found!